RBD需求調查 八
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=1146 RBD-018 ASSEMBLY.集结号 18.60%
lsj8610 , 7 朋友
8 18.60%
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=1138 RBD-014 Air Force One.空军一号 20.93%
lsj8610 , mike3916, 7 朋友
9 20.93%
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=1136 RBD-033 Basic Instinct.本能 11.63%
iphone4me, lsj8610 , 3 朋友
5 11.63%
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=1134 RBD-001 Transformers.变形金刚 13.95%
mike3916, skyxiaoyao, 4 朋友
6 13.95%
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=1123 RBD-040 Die Hard 4.虎胆龙威4 11.63%
lsj8610 , 4 朋友
5 11.63%
http://bt.ourdisc.net/details.php?id=2428 AVCHD-1080P The Sound of Music (1965) 音乐之声/真善美(台)/仙乐飘飘处处闻(港) 23.26%
katylee, mike3916, 歌林春天, 7 朋友
10 23.26%
合计: 43 表决 100%

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