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RE: 关于BD-Rebuilder的问题,请BC大、王大和各位朋友解决

1. Download and install FFDSHOW and the Matroska Splitter. They are required for BD-RB to work and are free. After the install, run "Video Decoder Configuration" for FFDSHOW from the "START/Programs" menu, and make sure MPEG2 decoding is enabled.
下載FFDSHOW和the Matroska Splitter(要下載作者指定版本),這兩個程式為執行BD-RB之必要安裝,而且免費。安裝後,至程式集執行FFDSHOW的Video Decoder Configuration,確定MPEG2解碼在可使用(enabled)狀態。
2. Download and install AVISYNTH 2.57. If you are a DVD-RB user, it is compatible, so no worry. It is required for BD Rebuilder to work. AVISYNTH v2.57 can be downloaded from http://www.jdobbs.net/freeware/Avisynth_257.exe or from http://www.avisynth.org.
下載安裝AVISYNTH 2.57,此程式完全相容BD-RB,為必須安裝。
3. Unzip the BD-RB.zip file. Put it in a directory of its own. I'd recommend putting it somewhere other than "C:\Program Files" until it has been tested more (because of Vista and Win 7 virtualization).
解壓BD-RB,解壓路徑不要放在"C:\Program Files",因為目前仍為測試版本。
4. It is highly recommended that you also download and install IMGBURN (see http://www.imgburn.com) on your system. You can actually burn with any software you desire (that supports UDF 2.50), but BD-RB recognizes IMGBURN and does the burn for you.
5. Read the LICENSE.TXT file found in the BD-RB directory. If you don't agree with the license. Don't use it.
6. Please don't post questions or comments on DECRYPTION or ripping methods. I have to assume you know how to do that or you wouldn't be a beta tester. I also make the assumption that you will comply with applicable laws... I don't want to get in the middle of any of that.
7. If you decide to write to dual layer DVDs (BD-9/DVD-9), use ONLY HIGH QUALITY DUAL LAYER DISCS. I have found numerous cases where the same image works flawlessly with a quality (e.g. Verbatim) disc and fails (hangs) on a cheap one.
如果你想以DVD9燒錄,請用ONLY HIGH QUALITY DUAL LAYER DISCS(高品質光碟,例如威寶),我發現成功機率比用那些垃圾產品高很多。
8. Recommended for Windows XP only: Download and install WMV11 from Microsoft, and set VC-1 decoding to "disabled" in FFDSHOW (allowing the WMV11 codec to be used). This seems to be the codec with the fewest problem on VC-1. For Vista or Windows 7 -- select "wmv9"
建議XP用戶:下載安裝官方版本的WMV11,並在FFDSHOW的VC-1 decoding 選項裡,設定為disabled(不使用),可以確保執 行WMV11解碼,這樣可以解決部分在VC-1的問題。對於VISTA和WIN7用戶,請選擇wmv9。
9. Please DO NOT replace the versions of software included in the BD-RB ZIP with other versions (e.g. replacing the 32 bit X264 with a 64 bit version). In doing so you are very likely creating a self-inflicted injury that will not be addressed as a bug.

最后的回复由11:20 AM 修改于 06-07-2010 bebolan.

06-07-2010 11:18 AM
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RE: 关于BD-Rebuilder的问题,请BC大、王大和各位朋友解决 - bebolan - 06-07-2010 11:18 AM

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